Shiny app downloads cran

Statistical inference of vine copulas. Contribute to tnagler/VineCopula development by creating an account on GitHub.

Generating downloadable reports from Shiny app - Example. Embedding Shiny apps via their URLs in R Markdown output - Overview. Embedding Shiny apps  FreeBSD Bugzilla – Bug 182136 [] [patch] USE_GCC=yes shall imply 4.7 (was: USE_GCC defaults to 4.6 but gcc46 does not support powerpc64) Last modified: 2014-03-10 21:03:18 UTC

Programming, training, and consultancy in confirmatory adaptive designs using the R software.

This R-package is an extension to the shinycssloaders package and allows for You can install it from CRAN: install.packages("shinycustomloader") # Or the  This page showcaes a few highlights from my software development portfolio. A shiny app is included in the package and it can be accessed via a simple web  This package is here as it uses googleAuthR as backend, so has Shiny meaning you can download data and make the download URL available to a user via their Google email. An example of a BigQuery Shiny app running OAuth2 is here, the BigQuery Visualiser. Installation. Stable version CRAN is now on CRAN ShinyProxy is your favourite way to deploy Shiny apps in an enterprise context. It has built-in functionality for LDAP authentication and authorization, makes  R is a free software programming language and a software environment for statistical For Windows at; For Mac at 

FreeBSD Bugzilla – Bug 182136 [] [patch] USE_GCC=yes shall imply 4.7 (was: USE_GCC defaults to 4.6 but gcc46 does not support powerpc64) Last modified: 2014-03-10 21:03:18 UTC

22 Mar 2018 Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps The packages you need must be downloaded separately, and installed using R. All the packages listed below can be directly installed from CRAN, you  10 Jul 2017 This package should be downloaded with Shiny and is really a must have! Version: 0.6.1 (June 15, 2017) on CRAN License: GPL-2. Package  6 Mar 2017 We put a simple example Shiny app in the package: app without installing any new hosting software (RStudio Connect/Shiny Server). In order to manage dependencies found in CRAN-like repositories, provide them as a  Software. Some programs and apps you may find useful! post about SkyWatchr. The package is available at CRAN and GitHub. TOC Shiny App. The TOC R  13 Feb 2016 So, how would one take a Shiny app, such as the one we created in the Guest post by data warehouse, Business Intelligence, and software sudo su -c "echo 'deb trusty/'  除了shiny包,RStudio还开发了一个shinydashboard扩展包,它呈现数据的方式就是专门 盘可以按每周和每月的时间刻度显示CRAN上下载量最多的最受欢迎的R扩展包。 "CRAN Downloads"), dashboardSidebar(sidebarMenu( menuItem("Last 

Our open source packages provide help with creating more advanced Shiny apps by introducing new functions, help with debugging, and of course, improving UI elements.

library(shiny) library(argonR) library(argonDash) library(cranlogs) library(dplyr) library(jsonlite) library(magrittr) library(tibble) library(tidyr) library(billboarder) library(anytime) library(gh) library(purrr) library(shinycssloaders)… Control and distribute packages throughout your organization Shiny Reactivity Visualizer. Contribute to rstudio/reactlog development by creating an account on GitHub. CRAN OpenData Task View. Contribute to ropensci/opendata development by creating an account on GitHub. Logging Events in Complex Shiny Apps. Contribute to kalimu/shinyEventLogger development by creating an account on GitHub. A Shiny App that Produce Forest Plots to Visualize Covariate Effects - smouksassi/coveffectsplot Implementation of the radar chart from chart.js library - MangoTheCat/radarchart

Control and distribute packages throughout your organization Shiny Reactivity Visualizer. Contribute to rstudio/reactlog development by creating an account on GitHub. CRAN OpenData Task View. Contribute to ropensci/opendata development by creating an account on GitHub. Logging Events in Complex Shiny Apps. Contribute to kalimu/shinyEventLogger development by creating an account on GitHub. A Shiny App that Produce Forest Plots to Visualize Covariate Effects - smouksassi/coveffectsplot

R-Shiny developer and consultant with a MSc in Bioinformatics and a Bachelor Previously a software engineer at Google, IBM, and CRANalerts. 21 Jun 2019 Meteo Browser South Tyrol is a user-friendly web-based application that helps to visualize and download the hydro-meteorological time series  Open source software of Nan Xiao. R packages and Shiny apps. Download the “windows binary” zip file from CRAN, then from within R, The SDraw Shiny app draws spatially balanced samples from uploaded shapefiles. A collection of awesome R packages, frameworks and software. navigation, see heart for Top 50 CRAN downloaded packages or repos with 400+ star Interactive ggplot2 and Shiny plotting with rCharts heart  7 Feb 2016 download and install the latest version of R via is also available as a Shiny app:  2 Jul 2019 Appsilon Data Science offers R Shiny open source packages that you can use for UI To get started, download it from R CRAN or our Github.

:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. merTools — Tools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression Models Report bugs for this package: - cran/merTools

Robust and efficient workflows using a simple language agnostic approach - sahilseth/flowr Estimation of Meiotic Recombination Rates Using Marey Maps - aursiber/MareyMap Image Fluency Scores in R. Contribute to stm/imagefluency development by creating an account on GitHub. Seven Bridges API Client, CWL Schema, Meta Schema, and SDK Helper in R - sbg/sevenbridges-r Statistical inference of vine copulas. Contribute to tnagler/VineCopula development by creating an account on GitHub. Run app command and shortcut now works for running single file Shiny applications