Macports remove downloaded files

Pure programming language. Contribute to agraef/pure-lang development by creating an account on GitHub.

Fixed an issue where the Files pane occasionally would fail to scroll to bottom (#4662) Either using the uninstall feature - or remove the files: c:\python25\lib\site-packages\pygame . We changed the type of installer, and there will be issues if you don't uninstall pygame 1.7.1 first (and all old versions).

21 Oct 2019 MacPorts 2.6.2 - Install open-source software on Darwin OSes (was DarwinPorts). Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and the MacPorts 2.3.1 DMG file, or the "sudo port -v selfupdate" command in the Terminal. or command line, MacPorts will not allow me to install it or uninstall it, 

I’ve recently packaged monotone-viz 1.0.2 for MacPorts (and soon also for openSUSE), a program to display monotone’s DAG of revisions and their properties. The MacPorts command-line client. Contribute to macports/macports-base development by creating an account on GitHub. The following sections indicate in more detail how you can setup MacPorts to use the repository of pipeline software provided by ESO. shell-hints - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Octave has many dependencies which will be downloaded and installed prior to Octave. The entire installation process can take a few hours. port list always lists the most recent version available in MacPorts, which is not necessarily the version you have installed.

Pure programming language. Contribute to agraef/pure-lang development by creating an account on GitHub.

The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system. Using the current official MacPorts version is recommended. To be on the safe side one needs to make sure that the disk has at least about 120G space in total, if it is planned to build both KF5 branch-groups 'kf5-qt5' and 'stable-kf5-qt5… TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.10 or later - textmate/textmate Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites - ytdl-org/youtube-dl .dmg files are disk images, basically a compressed bundle that gets mounted as a disk. This is a container around a package. [00:24:53] cal macports-ports:master * 35aa3c2 / editors/textmate2/Portfile editors/textmate2/files/patch-configure-versionnumber.diff: textmate2: Update to 2.0-beta.12.4

14 Mar 2012 By default, MacPorts will deactivate, and retain, earlier versions of any port builds and so it is worth the disk space to avoid downloading them again. the directories there and remove all but the latest version of the tar files 

Either using the uninstall feature - or remove the files: c:\python25\lib\site-packages\pygame . We changed the type of installer, and there will be issues if you don't uninstall pygame 1.7.1 first (and all old versions). Contribute to LokiResearch/Esquisse development by creating an account on GitHub. One way to convince yourself cloc is doing the right thing is to use its --strip-comments option to remove comments and blank lines from files, then compare the stripped-down files to originals. An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook. - facebook/folly When writing portfiles or tinkering with changes to Macports base, I need to experiment in a Tcl shell all the time to tests small things. This page lists several additional python modules or other pieces of software that can be downloaded freely from the internet, and add functionality to your FreeCAD installation.

24 Jan 2013 One of the easiest way to install PGPLOT is to make use of MacPorts. I installed MacPorts downloading the "dmg" disk image installation file Edit that file and remove the exclamation mark (first column of each row) in front  The version of MIRIAD distributed through MacPorts was last updated on 2014 November 5. Note that you don't need to download the source code here to install MIRIAD with MacPorts Stabilize data format by removing configurability of MAXIANT. Distribute and install the full suite of files in the $MIRCAT directory. 1 Jan 2009 MacPorts is an application that allows you to install and remove software packages, referred to as ports (thus the name). To get started, first download the latest version here. port list To build an actual pkg file from a port: . MacPorts computes checksums of downloaded files to ensure they aren't corrupted and haven't been tampered with. Each Portfile lists the checksums for the files that the port will download (using md5, sha1 and/or rmd160). MacPorts is an easy to use system for compiling, installing, and managing open source software. MacPorts may be conceptually divided into two main parts: the infrastructure, known as MacPorts base, and the set of available ports. Though it is now quite well-tested, the restore_ports script may fail in some cases. One known issue is that the script will fail if there are conflicting ports in the list. MacPorts retrieves files from packages and distfiles via http. MacPorts automatically downloads these files from whichever mirror is closest.

Octave has many dependencies which will be downloaded and installed prior to Octave. The entire installation process can take a few hours. port list always lists the most recent version available in MacPorts, which is not necessarily the version you have installed. See for more information. MacPorts provides -arch flags to ports' configure scripts in Cflags, Ldflags and similar variables, which tell the port what architecture(s) to build for, but these -arch flags should not appear in *-config scripts or pkg-config *.pc files… MacPorts should use a bundled copy of a newer libcurl and SSL library rather than the OS X version The Mysql Workbench program make some assumptions as to where files are under Mac OS X - specifically the program assumes that Mysql has been installed from the *.dmg downloaded from Mysql.

9 Mar 2017 sudo port -f clean --all all sudo port -f uninstall inactive Remove download files: I too, wanted to "clean up" after multiple installs of Macports on Yosemite.

Octave has many dependencies which will be downloaded and installed prior to Octave. The entire installation process can take a few hours. port list always lists the most recent version available in MacPorts, which is not necessarily the version you have installed. See for more information. MacPorts provides -arch flags to ports' configure scripts in Cflags, Ldflags and similar variables, which tell the port what architecture(s) to build for, but these -arch flags should not appear in *-config scripts or pkg-config *.pc files… MacPorts should use a bundled copy of a newer libcurl and SSL library rather than the OS X version